Five Best Practices for Optimizing a Landing Page for Google Ads

March 24, 2022
Written by Ampry

Creating ads for Google and trying to manage the algorithms can be frustrating and time-consuming, but it’s still important. You want your product to reach as many people as possible, so it’s worth jumping through the algorithm hoops to get more clicks.

Why is a landing page important?

“Landing page” refers to where users go after clicking on your ad. If your customers aren’t moving past this first page, then you probably need to make some adjustments to your landing page. It is the first thing a customer will see, and needs to make a good impression. The easier a customer can get to the product and the shopping cart, the better. Your landing page also affects your quality score and ad rank position. If your ad gets clicks but customers leave without purchasing, the search engine algorithms may cause your ad to show up less frequently.While making a website more navigable is the go-to answer for most companies, there are a lot more things to consider when designing a landing page in order to get the most for your money. Here are the top five ways to optimize your landing page.

1. Make sure the ad goes to the right place

If you have an ad for a summer clothing campaign but it takes them to a winter clothing page, you’re going to have some frustrated visitors who won't take the time to search for what they’re looking for.Make sure the landing page is specific and directly related to the ad. This not only prevents customers from leaving before making a purchase, but it also tells the Google algorithm that the landing page is relevant to what people are looking for. For example, use the same keywords on the ads and landing page.

2. Be honest

If you advertise for a discount, the landing page should highlight that discount. If you ask for the customer’s information, explain why you need it. Make sure the correct contact details are available for the company. Adding social proof, such as real reviews, will also be very useful since most customers are used to marketing tricks and would rather trust previous customers.Be sure not to make any claims you can’t verify, and don’t exaggerate. If there are any fees, be up front with the customer before checkout. If there are any certifications or awards, displaying them prominently on the website can add to the company’s credibility.

3. Make the landing page easy to navigate

A cluttered web page with too much irrelevant information will be overlooked. Place your call to action and sales pitch at the top of the page so you don’t need to scroll to see it. Be sure to only add the most essential information the customer needs. Use bullet points and lists instead of long paragraphs.Make your landing page easily shareable so it can spread through social media. Using cues to direct customers' eyes will also be important since not all the information can fit in the first screen of the website. By using different colored texts, arrows, or animations, you can direct the browser’s attention to the most important information.

4. Make sure the landing page loads quickly

More than 70% of users leave a page if it doesn’t load within three seconds. This indicates to Google that the landing page isn’t the best option for users and will lower the likelihood that your ad will be shown.Flashing ads or excessive pop-ups are not only frustrating for the browser, but they also slow down loading time for the entire website. The same is true for images—the more images, the slower the loading time. So make sure to only use relevant images, and keep them at a manageable size.

5. Use the correct language

This applies to several different aspects, the first being SEO and keywords. By matching the keywords in the ads to keywords on the landing page, you can improve your quality rating and make sure customers find what they’re looking for.Also, be sure you know your audience. Make sure what you write is relevant to what the readers are looking for, and keep in mind their goals and mindset. Another great strategy is the “scarcity technique.” By using phrases like “limited time,” it makes the viewer feel like time is running out and if they don’t hurry, they’ll be missing out on an opportunity. Making an effort to improve your landing page will improve the customer experience. This will lead to more sales, a more relevant ad for the Google algorithm, and few customers leaving the page without making a purchase.For more advice on optimizing your marketing campaign, schedule a strategy call with Ampry.

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