Words that Stick: Writing Copy for Sticky Bars

April 12, 2022
Written by Ampry

Are you looking for inspiration to create high-converting sticky bars?Also called a top bar, header bar, or top banner, sticky bars greet new guests coming to your website for the first time. Also, it can be a crucial moment for engaging your returning customers.But how can you make your sticky bar both effective and professional-looking, especially when you’re working with limited space and don’t feel like a techie?Today, we’ll share our favorite strategies to help you find the right style, look, and copy for your sticky bars. At Ampry, our experts have years of experience converting tens of millions for ecommerce businesses.Do you want visitors to become buyers? Schedule a personalized strategy call with one of our experienced conversion specialists today!

Copy Specs

The copy you use in sticky bars helps your web users quickly understand and recognize your brand voice and personality. It can also help you manage expectations and leave a good first impression on prospects who land on your site. Words can also help you create trust and convince web visitors to take action. To create high-converting sticky bars, you must think strategically and choose your copy carefully. Not sure where to start or how to do it right? Here are five copy specs to help you create compelling copy for your sticky bars and generate more conversions.

Copy Length

Sticky bars’ copy should be the right length. Sticky bar copy should catch a visitor’s attention and then engage them emotionally to evoke the desired action. Web users are busy, and they don’t have the time to read overly elaborate copy, so keep it short and sweet.Shorter copy means visitors require less time to process information and take action. The goal of a sticky bar is to encourage users to take simple actions, not to sell products. So web users need less information to make those decisions than when buying products.


No matter the type of sticky bar you decide to create, it should complement your site. At the same time, it should distinguish itself from your site’s copy to capture visitors’ attention.So, ensure your sticky bars match your web pages' colors without disappearing into the background. For instance, if you have used light gray colors on your site, dark blue would differentiate your sticky bar, making it stand out.If you create sticky bars based on your website’s color palette, they’ll be less intrusive, encouraging visitors to click your call to action button and convert.

Color Contrast

Use color contrast to highlight actions and text. Unfortunately, choosing the right colors to use in your sticky bars is daunting if you aren’t a designer. A general guideline is to avoid using the same color throughout your sticky bar. However, if you’re keen on using one color, use different shades of that color to make your sticky bars more attractive. Also, you should use contrasting colors, especially if you have background images on your sticky bars. When sticky bars have background images, it’s daunting to find a font color that stands out. So, find the right color to contrast the primary color in your background image and use that color for elements you want to stand out. Using contrasting colors can help you draw attention to your sticky bars without making them look unattractive.

Copy Spacing

Get your spacing right to make your sticky bars attractive and generate more conversions. Unfortunately, many marketers forget spacing when creating sticky bars, but spacing is the invisible element in your sticky bar. As a result, your sticky bars will look bad if the spacing is off, and they may likely lower conversion rates.Be consistent with spacing. Avoid using different spacing on various elements on your sticky bar. It’s also best to always have the same spacing in the top and bottom of your sticky bar, as well as the left and right. Another important spacing rule is adjusting the spacing to avoid single words on one line of your sticky bar. To do that, change the spacing so you get one or more strong sentences (depending on what looks best).


We can’t talk about creating high-converting sticky bars without talking about fonts. If you’re in doubt about what fonts to use in your sticky bar, use the most used font on your site. However, when you alternate between different fonts in your sticky bar, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Creative headlines for your headlines to grab attention.
  • Use your standard website font for your copy to improve readability and ensure your message stands out.
  • Avoid using more than three different fonts in your sticky bar.

When creating your next sticky bar, try using a creative font for your headline and test it against your website font. In addition, always ensure your copy is easy to read and understand.

How to Quickly Deliver Your Unique Value Proposition

To quickly deliver your unique value proposition with your sticky bars, focus on the why. Digital consumers don’t like to be sold to; they like finding solutions to their pain points. So, when writing copy and headlines for your sticky bars, describe the benefits and value that your brand offers your target customers. Avoid focusing too much on product specifications or features. You should add copy about product specifications, features, and other technical information on your product pages—not your sticky bars. Thus, your sticky bars should connect with your website visitors on an individual level and help them understand why they should care about your brand.For example, fitness products’ value propositions should focus less on product specifications and more on:

  • Becoming healthier.
  • Exercising more.
  • Having more energy.
  • Becoming part of a community where health is a priority.

By focusing on benefits instead of product features, you’ll connect with your web visitors on a personal level. Benefits show that you understand them, and present your products as the resource they need to get solutions.

A/B Testing Different Copy

Finally, launch two or more variations of your sticky bar (with different copy) to identify what works better and which sticky bar converts more web visitors. Take the time to test:

  • Headline variations.
  • Call to action button copy variations. For instance, you can test between “Sign up” vs. “Get coupon code” to determine which variation results in more conversions.
  • Value proposition variations. Don’t forget, the value proposition should focus on benefits, not product features.
  • Copy length. Try minimal vs. longer paragraphs to see what generates more conversions.

If you’re looking to create personalized web experiences using social proof notifications, sticky bars, pop-ups, and on-page embeds to improve conversions, request a tailored strategy call with one of the skilled conversion experts at Ampry now!

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